Jo Robertson's expert guide of what to say,  & when to say it







An experts guide of what to say,  & when to say it.


An experts guide of what to say, and when to say it. 


Your step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing

Your step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing

Welcome to your step-by-step guide to the TrickyChats with your kids.


Master the Art of Age-Appropriate Communication: Never again stumble for the right words, or fear saying the wrong thing to your children.


Build Unbreakable Bonds: Expert guidance helps you establish deep trust and safety with your children in the space of sexual well-being.


Renowned Therapist Jo Robertson's Expertise at Your Fingertips: No more need to spend hours searching the internet for a trusted resource on all the tricky conversations. 


Flexible Learning, Anytime, Anywhere: Watch or listen to the content on your terms, fitting it into your busy parenting schedule with ease.

Team Up with Your Partner: Bring your partner onboard and align your parenting strategies for a harmonious and united front.

Your step-by-step guide for all things screens, safety & sexual wellbeing











"It's been wildly beneficial for Brent and I, and we have been able to make immediate changes and implement new things. You're an amazing educator and resource!"


JESS, 2023

"It's been wildly beneficial for Brent and I, and we have been able to make immediate changes and implement new things. You're an amazing educator and resource!"


JESS, 2023



Jo Robertson


Growing up, I had a number of unsafe sexual experiences. Whilst these were challenging, they sparked in me a curiosity about where people got their templates for what sex and relationships should be like. 

I have now spent 17 years researching, counselling and training professionals in this space to find the answer. I taught sex education in high schools for 7 years, I worked as a child/adolescent trauma therapist, I worked with couples on their childhood narratives of sex and how that was impacting their life now. I have spent the last 7 years researching porn, sexualised media, illegal online content and the impacts on young people. 

I have a post graduate diploma in counselling and a master of science, in medicine, specialising in sex therapy. I have spoken internationally on the way our current generations understanding of sex, consent, and relationships have changed in the last 30 years, and what we need to do to support them.  

I am also raising my own children in this complicated landscape, trying to keep them safe both online and offline. At this point in my career, I can confidently say I’ve done the work, I know my stuff. Join me on this course, and you will too.



Jo Robertson


Growing up, I had a number of unsafe sexual experiences. Whilst these were challenging, they sparked in me a curiosity about where people got their templates for what sex and relationships should be like. 

I have now spent 17 years researching, counselling and training professionals in this space to find the answer. I taught sex education in high schools for 7 years, I worked as a child/adolescent trauma therapist, I worked with couples on their childhood narratives of sex and how that was impacting their life now. I have spent the last 7 years researching porn, sexualised media, illegal online content and the impacts on young people. 

I have a post graduate diploma in counselling and a master of science, in medicine, specialising in sex therapy. I have spoken internationally on the way our current generations understanding of sex, consent, and relationships have changed in the last 30 years, and what we need to do to support them.  

I am also raising my own children in this complicated landscape, trying to keep them safe both online and offline. At this point in my career, I can confidently say I’ve done the work, I know my stuff. Join me on this course, and you will too.